Breaking Through Post-Bariatric Weight Loss Plateaus with a Reset Diet

Losing weight after bariatric surgery can be an arduous process. Even with the surgical intervention, weight loss plateaus can occur, hindering one's progress. The causes of such plateaus have been attributed to various factors, including stress, emotional issues, and lack of motivation. When these issues arise, they can derail any new dietary habits. However, have you ever considered a reset diet? A reset diet can be an effective way to break through a post-bariatric surgery plateau and get back on track to achieving your weight loss goals.
Why do weight loss plateaus happen?
The causes of such plateaus have been attributed to various factors, including stress, emotional issues, and lack of motivation. When these issues arise, they can derail any new dietary habits. Maybe you're not sticking to the intended new eating habits. You may not realize that you’re eating more than you planned to on your new regimen.
What is a reset diet?
So, what exactly is a reset diet? Simply put, it is a plan that aims to help bariatric patients restart their dietary routine after a stall in weight loss. A reset diet typically follows a structured meal plan, starting with clear liquids, then progressing to protein drinks, pureed and soft foods, and soft foods including vegetables and fruits.
The Diet
Day one of the reset diet consists of clear liquids such as water, broth, and Jello. From there, on days two and three, you will consume protein drinks that you can either purchase or make at home. These drinks are high in protein content, satisfying, and come in various flavors.
On the fourth and fifth day, you will move on to pureed and soft foods like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and blended soups. These foods are easier to digest and can be blended or pureed to make them easier to eat.
The next few days will include soft foods that you can easily mash with a fork. These include fruits, vegetables, and other foods that have low carbohydrates. You want to minimize your intake of carbs to prevent regaining any of the weight you lost.
Lastly, after about two weeks, you will gradually reintroduce solid foods in small quantities to keep track of how your body reacts to them.
By following a reset diet, you can train your body to get back on track to losing weight. The regimented meal plan will give you a structure to adhere to and ensure you're not skipping meals or cheating on your diet. Moreover, with an easy-to-follow plan, you'll have a clear understanding of what you need to do; you won't have to worry about what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it.
Breaking through a weight loss plateau is a challenging task. Still, with a reset diet, you can restart your dietary routine and prevent regaining the weight you've lost. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before starting a reset diet, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions. A reset diet is not a quick fix but rather a gradual process that requires patience, discipline, and consistency. However, with proper guidance and dedication, you can overcome any post-bariatric surgery plateau and achieve your desired weight loss goals. Visit www.DrWadiwala.com for more helpful articles.
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