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Discharge Instructions


Please see below the Post Surgery Discharge Instructions:

Bariatric Discharge Instructions

Normal Symptoms during the first 1-2 weeks of post-op:

  • nausea
  • soreness
  • vomiting/spitting up
  • diarrhea
  • constipation for the first week
  • pressure on the chest or pain in the shoulders (from CO2 gas during surgery)
  • Sore throat (from intubation)

Symptoms to call the office if you experience:

  • fever >100.4 and/or shaking/chills
  • severe, intolerable abdominal pain while on pain medication
  • severe, sudden chest pain or shortness of breath
  • >7 days with no bowel movement
  • persistent diarrhea or vomiting
  • large amounts of drainage, excessive swelling, and/or redness at incision site
  • pain, tenderness, cramping, redness, tightness, or swelling in any part of your leg or foot
  • continued bleeding of incisions
  • inability to urinate after 6-8 hours after surgery
  • lightheadedness, dizziness, and/or periods of fainting/passing out

Hydration – top priority after surgery

  • Women – need >48 oz fluid/day; Men – need >64 oz fluid/day
  • Take small, slow sips when consuming liquids
  • Avoid using a straw and/or taking large gulps
  • Ice-cold liquids are usually better tolerated

Get up every hour and walk a few laps around your house and do 3 breathing exercises on your incentive spirometer

  • Helps get rid of the gas that was put into your body during the surgery – expect to burp and pass gas often
  • Helps prevent blood clots after surgery

After 48 hours, you can remove the garment over your incision sites and wash your abdomen using antibacterial soap and a sponge

  • Expect to see a little blood on the garment, if the garment is soaked in blood, make sure you call the office
  • Only wash in the shower until cleared to take baths, swim, etc.
  • Wash the abdomen with small, slow circles to avoid opening of incision sites

Wear your binder for 1 month after surgery

  • Helps alleviate discomfort in abdomen
  • Important for proper healing of incision sites
  • Not necessary to wear the binder at night while you are sleeping

Medications/Home Care

  • Consume pain and nausea medication for the first 3 days as prescribed, after those 3 days you can take these medications as needed
  • Any medication that is larger than the size of a head of a pin needs to be in either a crushable or liquid form for the 1st month after surgery
  • If you are on diabetes or blood pressure medication, be sure to take your blood glucose or blood pressure prior to taking the medication every time
  • If you are on a CPAP or BIPAP machine, do not stop using it without consulting with your prescribing healthcare provider


  • Begin taking your probiotic on day 2 after surgery
  • Begin taking your multivitamin on day 4 after surgery


  • Do not lift anything over 10 pounds for the first 2 weeks after surgery
  • Do not do any exercises that target the abdominal area until cleared
  • During the 1st month, start with walking daily, then you can progress to power walking or slow jogging



Houston Weight Loss
13323 Dotson Road, Suite 210
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281-653-6544

Office Hours

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