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Ten Strategies That Can Turn Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery Into A Success!

If you have discussed well with our experts at Houston Weight Loss, and now you are all set to go for gastric sleeve surgery, it’s best that you plan the strategies to prepare for the process in advance.

We all know that change could be terrifying for anyone, but if you follow our advice, you’ll surely be ready for the hormonal change that the removal of 85 to 90% part of your stomach will bring upon you.

You must also understand that after the surgery, you’ll start feeling full sooner and most likely you’ll feel an urge to eat more, and this is why, it’s more important to plan the strategies before moving along with the process itself

Make Up Your Mind

Well, to begin with, you must tell yourself that you’ll have to stay strong. The only strength that matters before making any further steps is the mental strength and courage which only you can build.

Follow The Diet Plan

The preoperational diet plan will be given to you by Dr. Wadiwala and you must follow it religiously. The diet may include liquids or semi-liquid meals depending on your special case or age.

Create Your Own Support Group

It is crucial that you inform your close relatives and friends that you are going to have a surgery. In this way, they’ll be there with you while your recovery. And more importantly, they’ll stick with you when you need mental support during your lifestyle transition.

Shop Your Groceries

Make a list of groceries that include ingredients suggested by our weight loss experts necessary for your meals after the surgery.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can cause adverse effects on your health but it is even more harmful for your post-surgical recovery. Therefore, it is important that you quit smoking at least a month or so before your surgery.

Go Easy On Clothes

After a surgical process, especially the gastric sleeve, you’ll have a swollen abdomen for the first couple of days and at that time, you should only wear loose trousers, so don’t forget to buy those.

Get Done With Household Stuff

Since you will need time to recover, you’ll have to rest after your surgery. This is why, it is best that you get done with laundry, grocery shopping, bills and other domestic stuff.

Stock Up Your Medications

If you are on medications, you must fill up those before moving in for the surgery. Also, make sure that you have pain relievers and suggested supplements at home before going out for surgery.

Check On Insurance

Since not all insurance plans cover gastric sleeve surgery, we advise you to check your insurance plan before surgery. And if it does, you must fill out all the paperwork clearly so that you don’t get any surprises in the form of unexpected bills.

Go For Protein Based Diets

As our doctors would suggest, the biggest part of your diet will be protein based meals after the surgery. You must check which kind of protein supplements are good for you and should select lean meant, egg whites and other healthy proteins suggested by our meal planners.

If you or any of your relatives are having a hard time with obesity and considering gastric sleeve surgery as an option, schedule a free bariatric consultation with us today.


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